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At the end of the afternoon, we have an hour of breathing space.
We often sit down outside to discuss. We really like to meet up and talk about all kinds of things. It is very nice after a good day studying. Generally our discussions end in a laugh.
After the sunset we all get together in the main room of the convent, to declaim some suttas in order to pay tribute to Buddha.
Sometimes, our mother superior gives us a teaching, She particularly explains to us the advantages of having a good behaviour. And in order to have a better understanding she tells us very interesting stories which took place in Buddha's time.
After, each one of us calmly read in a corner the lessons of the day, repeating loudly the texts that have been studied.
Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz...
What i like better is studying. I love the moments of rest too, and the lights festival where you let fly in balloons made of paper thousands of candles in the sky.
To do collection and the laundry.
They reap palm juice.
Because I wanted to study the dhamma.
No, because it makes you feel too warm. As it is always hot in Burma it is better to have your head naked.
I want to teach dhamma.
Try to be a noviceun for a while. Even if it is for few days this could be a rewarding experience.
I like to study, water the plants and play with water.
To do collection and the laundry.
They are tea pickers.
At first it is because I wanted to learn Burmese. I come from a village where we speak our own language. Becoming a nun allows me to come here.
No because that means too much care. You must wash them, rinse them, do them, tie them back.
I want to teach dhamma.
You should study the dhamma because you can find the answers to the most important questions and the meaning of life. Buddhism is the straight way to wisdom.
I like to study. I like to play hopscotch but also other games.
To do collection and the laundry.
They cultivate peas and sesame.
To develop a lot of merits thanks to a very virtuous life.
No because you can get lice and it is really awkward!
I want to teach dhamma.
Train yourself to always have the best virtue by respecting at least the five precepts. With meditating that's the most important thing. The more virtuous you are the better you feel right in your head!
Texts, graphics and pictures: Monk Dhamma Sāmi
• Translation: Kadda R.
• Uploading of this page: 17.06.2007
• For children:
• For adults:
• This website is under CC licence
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