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Pali glossary


Bad action (in thinking, in saying, in gesture).

Bad action will be resulting in bad consequence for the person who did it.


Fact that it cannot be existing by itself.

If a person or a thing exists it’s because of multitude of elements.



Everything that arises passes away, nothing can last for ever. Everything is ephemeral.


One who has eliminated dirty or impurity of mind.

This person has no more attachment, so he bears no more suffering.


A man who has left everething in order to devote himself to the the way of wisdom.

We use this term also to designate the members of the Buddha disciples community.



A dáyaka is person who gives as donation to monks things they need.


Being who lives in a pleasant world that humans cannot see.

The deva can see human being, they live for a very long time and have extra powers such as remembering their former lives or seeing through the earth.


Reality as it is.

What we call dhamma is the teachings of Buddha and all the way which leads to Enlightenment.


Real way of living as a gift (dhamma = real way of living ; dána = gift).

Teaching the dhamma is also a way to do generosity because we give knowledges.


Unpleasant, painful.

In life, everything is dukkha, because nothing can bring totl and durable satisfaction.


Cause and effect law. The link between the action done by an individual and its result.

Everything that happens to us is not by accident. Everyone is responsible of his own acts, one will receive the result of his act (good or bad) according to his merit.


A person who performs tasks that the monks are not allowed to do.

A kappiya helps the monks by doing tasks that the monastic rules don’t allowed them to do such as, buying, gathering fruits etc.


Compassion, kindness.

When we have compassion we’re respectful of all people and of all animals, even insects and we love help all those need help.


Dirtiness, default, mental impurity.

Following are some kilesá: Having doubt in dhamma, believing that rituals will bring result, looking for pleasures, having hatred, having pride.


Good action (in thoughts, by parole or in doing), meritorious act.

All good action will bring back good result to the person who did it.


Love (without attachment, without desire) Kindliness.

When we have mettá, we wish all happiness to all the people. It’s very important to have and to develop more kindliness.


Extinguish of conscience and by consequence all mental impurities.

nibbána is the goal of the dhamma for all the people. It’s the only way to free from samsará. To reach this goal, one needs to develop vipassaná.



Big and beautiful flowers which grow in the ponds.



Pali is a dialect spoken by the Buddha and the people in his country. Pali is did not have a written alphabetic of its own. To write pali we can use other written alphabetic: Burmese, Khmer, or Roman, etc.


Achievement, maturity of wisdom aspect.

To succeed in practicing the dhamma, we need lots of páramí, which we can develop by doing positive actions in order to make progress in the wisdom aspect.


To indicate that we are satisfied with a action or event suitable to dhamma.

Generally, we’re saying the word three time.


Quietness, serenity.

The meditation samatha is aiming to the concentration on one object for a long period of time so that to develop a higher stat of concentration. This practice bring quietness but not wisdom..


Community of monks created by the Buddha.

The samgha helps the monks to be in the best conditions to practice Buddhism and also preserve the learning the transmission of dhamma et à les apporter aux autres.


Endless cycle of lives, deaths and rebirths.

nibbána is the only way to free oneself from samsará.


Vertue, good behaviour, morality.

Virtue is the base of any practice of dhamma. To gain a good síla, one need to observe the 5 precepts.


Parole which explain the meanings. Sermon. Parole of the Buddha (and his pricipal disciples).

suttas are generally sermons or small stories which explain the points of the Buddha Teaching and the parctice of dhamma.


Teaching of Buddha in his original version (thera = old ; váda = tradition, teaching).

The Buddha teaching has been preserved intactly until today thank to an uninterruptible succession of accomplished monks who's stayed loyally to the original community.


Multiple observation, instant by instant. Examining the reality directly.

To develop vipassaná, calling also direct seeing of the reality, we examine thing that we perceive such as we perceive.


A person who trains to develop the concentration.

A yogí is a person practices meditation or develops the direct vision of the reality.

Texts, graphics and pictures: Monk Dhamma Sāmi • Translation: Sokon Lim • Uploading of this page: 07.11.2007
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